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Member access operator and indirection operator difference


When overloading, indirection operator (*obj) must return reference, but member access operator (obj->) must return pointer.

struct my_ptr
    some_type & operator* () { return *ptr; } // returns reference
    some_type * operator->() { return  ptr; } // returns pointer

    some_type *ptr;

Why is there such difference?


You can find some answers at the link above. But they doesn't completely answer why C++ was designed in such way that operator* and operator-> return different types.


I guess this was just the only way they could think of to implement it and it turned out a bit hackish.

operator-> allows to recursively travers through multiple objects until it will meet a real pointer:

struct A {
    int foo, bar;

struct B {
    A a;
    A *operator->() { return &a; }

struct C {
    B b;
    B operator->() { return b; }

struct D {
    C c;
    C operator->() { return c; }
D d;
d->bar; // Provides access to A::bar.

Someone might consider this as a useful feature. But I personally do not. Consistency and obviousness would be a bigger advantage for me.